Dear Partners,
Thank you so much for your recent support of our annual Wesley House Back to School Bash! We were thrilled to work side by side with you in the name of community.
As a valued partner, your contribution is vital to continue our important work. This year’s impact resulted in more than 250 youth receiving backpacks full of supplies and other personal hygiene kits and 113 family leaders/parents received access to information and resources. That is 363 people touched through this event! The KonaIce truck and free haircuts were an absolute hit. Because of the power of partnership, we doubled the number of youth served from last year’s back to school event..
We hope that this event helps many youth start school with the items that they need to be set up for success.
Please enjoy some of my favorite photos from Back to School Bash 2022! P.S. Check out our calendar to connect with some of our favorite fall events: Give for Good Louisville, Open House, and WesFest.